different types of AI

Different Types of AI and Their Real-Life Implications

If AI is something you have always wanted to know more about and you are either an IT newbie or a person who likes to challenge himself or herself, then you are in the right place.

AI is omnipresent now, you can find it in the phone you are using now or the car you drive, and it is shaping the future in ways we are now only beginning to understand.

Thus, first, let’s get to know AI a little better, it’s different types and what you can anticipate in the real world with it.

What exactly is AI?

From the get-go, I want to make sure we set the ground rules and the basis before we go to the description.

AI, which denotes artificial intelligence, is a part of computer science that is aimed at the creation of machines with the capability of thinking intelligently.

Normally, AI is concerned with creating computers that can think and learn the same way as humans.

Sounds fascinating, right?

However, AI is not yet of the form of the prepared types. It can be used in several ways to carry out different functions, the user can choose what he/she wants to do with it.

Different Types of AI

Artificial Intelligence is divided into 3 parts such as – Narrow AI, General AI and Super AI.

All three types of AI are different from one another in terms of intelligence and the capability they have to perform tasks.

1. Narrow AI (Weak AI)

Narrow AI is designed in a way that it can perform a specific task or a set of tasks; it is termed “Narrow AI” because of the limited set of tasks it can perform.

This AI is one of the most used AIs at the present!

Take an example –

  • Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant.
  • Netflix and Amazon use Narrow AI to recommend movies or shows on their platforms to users.
  • Self-driving cars such as Tesla use Narrow AI to drive the path, avoid mishaps and follow the rules while driving.

This AI has made our daily lives easier and more convenient, and it is now part of our daily lives.

2. General AI (Strong AI)

General AI refers to systems that can perform any intellectual task a human can do. It’s like having a computer that can think, learn, and apply knowledge across different domains.

Examples and Real-Life Implications:

Although general AI is still mostly a theoretical field and has not been accomplished yet, scientists are currently trying to figure it out. If it comes to pass, it could trigger a change in every field of our lives.

Think about an AI that can do more than just driving your car but also writing a novel, solving complex scientific problems, and giving emotional support.

  • Healthcare – General AI will be able to diagnose diseases, make treatment plans and even carry out surgeries.
  • Education – Individualistic education experiences designed according to each student’s needs and abilities could be the mainstream.
  • Workforce – The automation of complex jobs could cause an increase of productivity and creativity; hence, humans will be liberated from the dull jobs.

Nevertheless, general AI opens the ethical and societal issues.

What measures can be taken to guarantee it will work for our best interest?

The question is how will the jobs be affected and what about the issue of privacy?

These are the factors that we should not ignore as we are approaching this level of AI.

3. Super AI

The supposed Super AI, or the artificial superintelligence, is a theory of AI that is above human intelligence in all aspects – creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. It’s sci-fi stuff, but it’s a very intriguing concept.

Examples and some Real-Life Implications –

  • Scientific Discovery – Artificial Intelligence can speed up the development of science, medicine, and technology, which are all the problems that are now impossible for humans to solve.
  • Global Challenges – The tasks considered very complicated, like climate change, poverty, and disease, could be solved by superintelligent AI, which will then make these tasks more possible.
  • Philosophical Implications – Super AI would make us rethink the essence of humanity and the human relations with machines.

The concept of super AI is appealing but at the same time, it also comes with serious risks and ethical problems.

The issue of artificial intelligence being in tune with human values and ethics is a huge task to undertake.

Now let’s explore different branches of AI –

Different Branches of Artificial Intelligence

Now that you know the types of Ai in terms of capability – it’s time to explore its different branches.

1. Machine Learning or ML

Machine learning (ML) is a branch of AI that allows systems to learn from data and get better over time without being programmed explicitly.

It is like teaching a computer to identify patterns and make decisions based on data.

Some Examples and Real-Life Implications –

  • Spam Filters – Email services use ML to delete spam messages.
  • Fraud Detection – Banks and financial institutions utilize ML to identify fraudulent transactions.
  • Personal Assistants – Virtual assistants enhance their reactions by learning from the user interactions.

Machine learning improves our digital life by making systems smarter and more responsive. It is the main reason behind many AI applications that we use every day.

2. Deep Learning or DL

Deep learning is a particular branch of machine learning which is based on neural networks with numerous layers (thus “deep”) and it is used for the analysis of intricate patterns in the data.

The technology is based on the biological model of the human brain’s structure and function.

Examples and Real-Life Implications –

  • Image Recognition – Social media platforms are using deep learning to identify people in images that get posted.
  • Natural Language Processing or NLP – DL along with NLP is used by Chatbots and translation services for human language detection.

The most significant progress in AI has been made in computer vision and natural language processing, through which the AI systems have become more accurate and capable.

3. Natural Language Processing or NLP

Natural Language Processing is more like an intersection of computers and human ability. It involves training computers and machines to understand, interpret and generate results like a human that are more precise and accurate.

Some Examples and Real-life Implications –

  • Chatbots in applications for customer service
  • Tools used in Language Translation

Are one of the greatest examples of NLP at its best

4. Robotics

Robotics, a combination of artificial intelligence and mechanical engineering, is transforming industries by increasing efficiency, reducing human error, and performing tasks that are hazardous or difficult for humans.

Examples include industrial robots used in manufacturing, service robots such as Roomba vacuum cleaners, and medical robots that assist in surgeries.

These robots have real-world applications in a variety of fields, including healthcare.

Now let’s look at how different industries are using AI to get things done more efficiently!

Real-Life Applications of AI

Supply Chain and Logistics

The application of AI and RPA is revolutionizing supply chain and logistics, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and overall operational performance. AI-driven solutions and RPA tools are being used to automate repetitive tasks, predict demand, optimize routes, and manage inventory effectively.

  • Inventory Management: AI systems predict inventory needs based on sales data, seasonality, and market trends, ensuring that the right products are in stock at the right time, thus reducing wastage and storage costs.
  • Demand Forecasting: By analyzing historical data and market conditions, AI can accurately forecast demand, helping companies to better align their supply with customer needs.
  • Automated Order Processing: RPA automates order processing and fulfillment, reducing errors and speeding up delivery times.
  • Route Optimization: AI algorithms determine the most efficient routes for delivery trucks, reducing fuel consumption and delivery times.

For a deeper understanding of how AI and RPA are transforming supply chain and logistics, you can check out AI and RPA in supply chain and logistics.


The revolution of AI is now being applied to healthcare to enhance the diagnostics, treatment, and patient care.

  • Diagnostic Tools – The AI algorithms study medical images to identify diseases like cancer and diabetic retinopathy with a high level of accuracy.
  • Personalized Medicine – AI assists in the creation of individualized treatment plans that are tailored to a patient’s genetic structure and medical history.
  • Virtual Health Assistants – AI-based chatbots offer medical counseling, arrange appointments and medical reminders to patients who need to take their pills or medicines.


AI helps the students get individualized learning experience and academic and other administrative support.

  • Adaptive Learning – AI-based platforms modify the content of learning materials depending on a student’s progress and comprehension.
  • Tutoring Systems – Virtual tutors help the students in more ways than one and answer the students’ queries.
  • Administrative Automation – AI helps in the appointment of the students, grading of their assignments, scheduling of their classes, and keeping track of their enrollment.


The AI succeeds in enhancing financial services by means of higher efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.

  • Fraud Detection –AI systems keep track of activities to identify and stop the fraudulent ones.
  • Algorithmic Trading – AI merges the market data and carries out the trades at the best and the most effective times to boost the profits.
  • Customer Service – Chatbots are used in AI to address routine questions, thus, the human agents can pay attention to the more difficult problems.


Ai is playing a crucial role in the Retail Industry as it is now powering to provide a better customer experience and is making the operations run smooth like never before

  • Recommendations – In retail AI is used these days to provide personal recommendations to the customers for a probable purchase and many more.
  • Inventory Management – AI is also used in the inventory to keep track and cut the waste of the products in it.
  • Customer Insights – Through the analysis of data from different sources AI gives insights into customer behavior and preferences.


AI is making transportation safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly.

  • Autonomous Vehicles – Self-driving cars and trucks cut down the chances of accidents and traffic jams.
  • Predictive Maintenance – The AI keeps track of the vehicle conditions and anticipates maintenance needs to avoid breakdowns.
  • Route Optimization: AI studies traffic patterns and gives drivers the best routes to reduce travel time and fuel consumption.

The Future of AI

The evolution of AI will result in its influence on our lives becoming bigger and betterer.

From smart homes and cities to advanced healthcare and education, AI will determine the future in ways we can’t even predict.

Nevertheless, with great power also comes great responsibility.

The development of AI ethics and the solution of problems like the loss of jobs, privacy issues, and bias in AI systems will be very important.

Final Thoughts

AI is not a mere buzzword – it is a transformative technology that can change and is changing our lives in numerous ways.

Be it for beginners or the people who are ready to learn more, knowing the types of AI and their real-life applications is a way of accepting the future.

So please, continue to discover, be curious, and let’s hope that AI makes our lives easier but in the right way!

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