Building Augmented Reality Apps

Building Augmented Reality Apps: A Hands-On Course Comparison

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a groundbreaking frontier, transforming the way we interact with digital content and the physical world.

As the demand for skilled AR developers continues to rise, numerous hands-on courses have surfaced, each promising to equip aspiring developers with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this dynamic field.

This article explores and compares various hands-on courses focused on building augmented reality apps, delving into their methodologies, content, and the practical experiences they offer to students.

Understanding Augmented Reality

Before we delve into the course comparisons, let’s briefly understand the essence of Augmented Reality. AR involves overlaying digital information—such as images, 3D models, or data—onto the real-world environment, creating an immersive and interactive user experience.

Applications span various industries, from gaming and entertainment to education, healthcare, and beyond.

The Importance of Hands-On Learning

Building AR applications requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Hands-on learning plays a crucial role in helping developers bridge the gap between understanding the concepts and applying them in real-world scenarios.

The courses under consideration emphasize interactive, project-based learning, enabling students to gain proficiency in AR development through practical application.

Designers Academy Course Comparison

Vision for Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Designers Academy is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion within the design industry.
  • Recognizes that a diverse environment enhances innovation and creativity in design education.

Inclusive Curriculum Design:

  • Meticulously crafts its curriculum to be inclusive and culturally sensitive.
  • Integrates global design principles to expose students to diverse design perspectives.

Financial Assistance and Scholarships:

  • Implements scholarship programs and financial assistance initiatives.
  • Aims to make design education accessible to individuals from underrepresented communities.

Community Outreach and Partnerships:

  • Actively engages in community outreach.
  • Establishes partnerships with organizations dedicated to diversity and inclusion in the design sector.

Mentorship Programs:

  • Institutes mentorship programs connecting students with experienced professionals.
  • Provides guidance, support, and networking opportunities, contributing to inclusivity in the industry.

Designing for Impact:

  • Instills a sense of purpose in students.
  • Emphasizes designing for real-world impact and meaningful user experiences.

Beyond the Pixels:

  • Takes a holistic approach to design education.
  • Encourages students to consider user experiences beyond aesthetics, incorporating user psychology, business goals, and technology.

Holistic Approach to Education:

  • Prepares students for the entire product development process.
  • Emphasizes collaboration, user-centered design principles, and practical skills.

Contribution to Positive Change:

  • Aims not just to break down barriers but actively contribute to positive change within the design industry.
  • Positions graduates to lead in creating impactful and user-centric digital experiences.

Alignment with Industry Trends:

  • Adapts its initiatives to align with emerging trends and technologies in the design field.
  • Ensures graduates are well-prepared for the evolving landscape of technology and design.

Catalyst for Innovation:

  • Serves as a catalyst for innovation within the UI/UX design space.
  • Encourages graduates to push the boundaries of conventional design thinking and embrace innovative approaches.

Positive Impact Beyond the Classroom:

  • Extends impact beyond the classroom through community engagement and partnerships.
  • Aims to create a ripple effect of inclusivity and positive change within the broader design community.

Key Considerations in Course Comparison:

1. Platform Focus:

When selecting an augmented reality (AR) course, the platform focus is a critical consideration. Udacity’s course places a strong emphasis on iOS development using ARKit, aligning with the ecosystem of Apple devices.

On the other hand, Coursera’s specialization centers around ARCore for Android, catering to the vast user base of Android devices. Unity Learn’s course distinguishes itself by offering a cross-platform approach, allowing developers to gain proficiency in both iOS and Android development.

This consideration ensures that learners align their skill development with their preferred or targeted mobile platforms.

2. Depth of Content:

The depth of content is a pivotal factor in assessing the comprehensiveness of each AR course. Udacity’s offering stands out for its extensive coverage, guiding students through the intricacies of ARKit and Unity.

The course’s practical approach, involving the development of 11 AR apps, ensures a thorough understanding of the technologies involved. Coursera’s specialization focuses on fundamental concepts, providing a solid foundation for ARCore development.

Unity Learn, with its emphasis on the XR Interaction Toolkit, delves deep into creating interactive AR experiences, offering a specialized skill set for developers.

3. Design vs. Development:

The balance between design and development is a crucial aspect of AR app creation. While Udacity, Coursera, and Unity Learn primarily emphasize the technical aspects of AR development, LinkedIn Learning’s course takes a unique angle by prioritizing design.

It provides learners with insights into crafting AR experiences that not only function seamlessly but also offer a visually compelling and user-friendly interface.

This design-focused perspective complements the technical knowledge gained from other courses, creating a holistic understanding of AR application creation.

4. Community Interaction:

Community interaction is an integral part of the learning experience, fostering collaboration and providing avenues for discussion and feedback.

Both Udacity and Coursera recognize the importance of community engagement, incorporating forums where students can interact, collaborate, and seek guidance.

Unity Learn, leveraging the broader Unity developer community, offers hands-on learning with the support of a vast network of developers. This community interaction enhances the learning experience by providing diverse perspectives and insights.

5. Usability and User Interaction:

LinkedIn Learning’s course distinguishes itself by placing a strong emphasis on usability and user interaction design in the context of AR.

While technical development courses often focus on the functionality of AR applications, LinkedIn Learning’s approach ensures that developers also prioritize the end-user experience.

Understanding the principles of usability and effective user interaction is crucial for creating AR apps that are not only technically proficient but also intuitive and engaging.

5. Augmented Reality in Business and Industry:

Considering the practical applications of AR in business and industry settings is essential for developers aiming to apply their skills beyond entertainment and gaming.

Each course should provide insights into real-world use cases, industry applications, and the integration of AR technology into various sectors.

Assessing how these courses address the broader implications of AR in business and industry ensures that learners are well-prepared to apply their skills in diverse professional contexts.

6. Emerging Technologies:

The field of augmented reality is dynamic, with continuous advancements in technology. It is crucial for AR courses to stay current and prepare developers for emerging technologies within the AR landscape.

This includes considerations for the integration of AR glasses, wearables, and other cutting-edge devices. Evaluating how each course incorporates emerging AR technologies ensures that learners are equipped to adapt to the evolving landscape of augmented reality, staying ahead of industry trends and innovations.


Choosing the right hands-on course for building augmented reality apps depends on individual preferences, platform preferences, and the desired depth of knowledge.

Udacity’s course offers an extensive journey into iOS development with ARKit, while Coursera’s specialization provides a comprehensive introduction to ARCore on Android.

Unity Learn’s course stands out for its cross-platform approach, catering to developers interested in both major mobile platforms.

For those looking to complement technical skills with a focus on design principles, LinkedIn Learning’s course is a valuable addition.

Consideration of community interaction, usability, user interaction, and emerging technologies further refine the choice based on individual needs.

As the field of augmented reality continues to evolve, these hands-on courses serve as invaluable resources, equipping developers with the skills needed to create immersive and impactful AR experiences.

Author’s Bio:
I’m Benjamin, and I’ve been immersed in the world of blogging for the past couple of years. It’s been an incredible journey where I’ve explored various topics and shared my thoughts and experiences with my audience. My passion for writing and creating online content has driven me to delve into diverse subjects like UI UX Design. I’m dedicated to honing my blogging skills, and I’m excited to continue sharing my insights with the world.

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