5 Key Aspects of Converting PSD to WordPress

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 06:49 am

Do you know that 50,000 new WordPress websites come online? You must know what is the best way to stand out from the crowd. We are living in an ocean of websites, and one of the best ways to get attention is to create your very own unique custom theme converted from PSD to WordPress. 

You can design it specifically for your site. 

Your site won’t be one of the thousand cookie-cutter sites out there. 

When it comes to website themes, there are three standards to follow. Twitter Bootstrap is a framework for developing responsive site designs that are designed by leading industry professionals.

Today, we are going to educate you on the 5 key aspects of converting PSD to WordPress. But before that, if your website isn’t responsive, you can always choose a web design agency to help. 

How to Convert WordPress to PSD? 

Converting PSD designs to WordPress has turned into a common practice. 

You want to give your website design a customized look and feel. To give your site a unique appearance to your website, getting a PSD to WordPress is the best option. You get enhanced usability, a unique & customized look & feel, easy management, and much more. 

There are five steps on how you can convert WordPress into PSD without experiencing any setbacks. 

1. Slice the PSD File

To begin with, convert the design to a WP theme. 

Start with slicing your website design into different files initially. Getting a single PSD design will be big for the website & it would take a lot of time to load up. You will also need a way to connect different segments. Identify the various functionalities for each module of the design and install them. 

So to begin with, start with slicing up your PSD file. 

Some of the areas where you need to focus include footer, header, background, menu, sidebar, etc. Logically cut the file and create multiple modules such as a header along with a navigation menu. 

Now save the file in the JPG or PNG format.

2. Now Create HTML & CSS Files

Next up, create static HTML and CSS templates. Now use your favorite software to create style.css and index.html files. Now save both of these files in a folder called “XYZ folder.” 

Also, it will be worthwhile if you save all the used images in the images folder. Keep the image folder in the template folder accordingly.  

3. Break the HTML File into the WordPress Theme Files

Here’s where you will start getting the feel of the WordPress theme.

After creating the HTML file, you need to move ahead to the next step which is to break your site into different theme files which include different sections like archive.php, category.php, comments.php, index.php, page.php, footer.php, header.php, single.php, 404.php, sidebar.php and more.

Now create the relative files using the .php extension and simply copy/paste the codes into the HTML files. Once you have copied all the codes to the files, now simply hit the save option. 

Don’t forget to keep everything enclosed within the PHP code syntax. 

It will ensure the files will perform their function. 

4. Add the Necessary WordPress Tags

Convert all the PHP files into WordPress theme files. 

To do so, you will be required to add WP tags and introduce the necessary functions. For that, you must have basic knowledge of the different tags and functions of WordPress. For example, if you want to display the latest post on your homepage. The only way you can do that is by writing a function. 

As a result, you will add the respective functionality. 

Similarly, there are countless other interesting functions. You can check the documentation that WP offers and integrate it into your website by using a variety of different WordPress tags. 

5. Add All the Files to a Desired Folder

Once, all your files are prepared, just add them to the folder called the “XYZ Folder.” 

The following XYZ folder is the one where all the other folders will be present from WordPress. 

It will include all the JavaScript files, CSS files, images, and whatnot. Simply pick this folder and put it in your WordPress website. Place the folder into the /wp-content/themes folder. 

And that’s just about everything; here’s all that you need to know for converting your PSD to WordPress. 

Now as a final step, check the template that you have created. Follow up whether the template is working or not. If it is working, then it indicates your design is working correctly.

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