Things to Keep in Mind while Creating FAQ Pages in WordPress

Last updated on August 29th, 2023 at 12:17 pm

Reduce hours of customer calls and emails by letting potential clients select their own products. That’s what an FAQ page can do to your WordPress website!

An FAQ page is among the most crucial and necessary elements of a business or product website. It is common knowledge that strong customer service is critical to 95% of consumers when it comes to getting loyal to a company.

Unfortunately, providing a great customer experience takes a lot of time and resources, which may be difficult for a company to do. There are bots, helplines, and user reviews to help customers make a purchasing decision, but one underappreciated customer service method that is both inexpensive and productive is the FAQ.

If you’ve been contemplating what such a FAQ page is, don’t be concerned. In this article, we’ll go through the entire notion of FAQs, what to keep in mind while designing a FAQ page, and how to make one.

So, let’s get started!

What is an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page?

A FAQ page is often a compilation of frequently asked questions regarding a given product or service. Every product and business WP website has a list of default pages such as an about us page, a contact us page, a privacy policy page, and others. An FAQ page is one of the handfuls of must-included pages on this list.

In a nutshell, an FAQ page is an automated customer assistance page or a condensed product manual where consumers may find out solutions to product-related queries on their own.

Listed below are a few characteristics that distinguish FAQ pages from other webpages:

  • FAQ pages typically provide a query and then provide a brief response.
  • If you’re ready to provide self-service choices, a FAQ page is a great place to start. They are valuable to customers with a variety of needs, can assist, and are affordable and simple to implement.
  • FAQ pages can aid in reducing customer care and support workloads. Potential and present clients may not be required to contact you personally if you provide typical queries and solutions.
  • By clearing up any uncertainty or assisting prospective clients in locating the information they need to make a purchasing decision, the FAQ page can aid in the conversion of potential clients.
  • It might also be part of a company’s support desk.

How does your FAQ page contribute to your website’s success?

Every online business faces the same issue – repetitively answering the same questions. This takes a lot of their resources and time. That is where the role of FAQ comes into play.

By simply incorporating the FAQ section into your site, you can save from all this hassle and buy yourself some time for another major project. And not to mention how an optimized FAq page can play a significant role in the sales of your company.

But there is more to that. And here are they:

Build Credibility

As more and more businesses are going online, customers find it hard to find authentic sites. That is why they go for testimonials and customer reviews before they buy any product or service. Adding an FAQ page to your site ensures that visitors get their profound answers once they land on your site.

Increase internal pageviews

If you intend for your FAQ to be really informative, as it ought to be, you may provide links to sites that will help your customers learn more. If you hyperlink to a more in-depth article or an item description, this material will provide shoppers with the complete picture before purchasing a product.

Avoid negative feedback.

When a customer’s issue is not handled on time, it produces a negative image in the eyes of the audience. You can, however, address all of the basic inquiries, such as return policy, shipment policy, and refund policy. In this manner, you may avoid referring consumers to the help desk and thank them by saving them time.

What to keep in mind while designing a FAQ page on the WP website?

If you currently have a FAQ page on your WordPress website but believe it may be more useful, or if you’re attempting to create a new FAQ page, it’s critical to address the following practices.

Keep your FAQs up to date

You must guarantee that your FAQ information reflects the fact that your audience’s inquiries will vary on a frequent basis. This will be influenced by data from GSC (Google Search Console), on-site query behavior, and larger industry trends.

Look beyond your company’s database

Although your information is fantastic for helping your present clients, there are typically many rounds of FAQs to handle. To obtain answers to more broad questions, you can use free tools such as Answer the Public, Ahrefs, Treendly, Insider Intelligence, competitor websites, and others.

Creating FAQs

Consider how you organize your site so each FAQ makes diverse material available to visitors and search engines. Consider extending the on-click language to make thorough FAQ answers obvious and simple to use.

Utilize data to refine and improve

FAQ pages diminish their relevance over time and become quickly out of date. Make sure you test site changes and enhance it all from titles and interactive page elements to updated information content enhancements and CTA on a regular basis.

Questions sent to Customer Service

Even though it may appear apparent considering a few remarks that have already been made, including FAQ on a site is vital. It is critical to position your comments. Even if the question has a negative connotation, write it from the consumer’s point of view and keep the answer positive.

Important selling points

Your FAQ page is the perfect place to gather data that teaches clients about your organization, its products, and significant selling points. In the same way that they seek solutions to their questions, customers will search for explanations why your service is better than a competitor’s.

Discuss objections

Despite the fact that customer concerns are constantly raised, it is critical to address them. Because numerous questions will occur during the purchasing process, you should establish a FAQ page to assist in closing the transaction.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

After their queries have been answered, the client will need to be persuaded to go to the next level. If there is a CTA on the FAQ page, where customers know about the item and their concerns, they will most likely buy the product or arrange an appointment.

How to create an FAQ section on a WP website?

Adding a dedicated FAQ page on the WordPress website is not rocket science. As you can see in the screenshot below, we have taken an FAQ example from JoomDev, a mobile app development company.

This website boasts one of the greatest FAQ pages, which was made possible with the Mighty Accordion widget (available in its free version). It has an easy-to-use accordion style that makes the website incredibly user-friendly.

How to create FAQ schema markup?

To make your FAQ section even more SEO-friendly, we would recommend you add FAQ using the schema markup. Schema markup assists search engines in better understanding the content on your website. It entails arranging your material so that search engines can simply interpret it.

Now it can further be done in two ways:

  • Using the WordPress Schema markup plugin – a fast and convenient way for non-techies.
  • Implementing the schema markup type (FAQPage) – which requires some technical hand.

Google provides documentation that explains what is necessary for the “FAQPage” Structured Data Markup. You can visit the official schema markup page to know more.

(Note: Because this is an advanced phase, you may need to discuss it with your programmer if you are unfamiliar with the procedure.)

Alternatively, you can opt for schema markup generator tools. With their help of them, you can incorporate FAQ schema into your webpage within a couple of minutes.

Final Words: Add FAQ pages to drive more traffic to your site

An FAQ section on your site is essential for providing a great customer experience. People do not want to waste time searching for answers on a website. If they can’t locate what they’re looking for right away, they’ll depart. That is why it is critical to keep all FAQs in a single location.

Furthermore, as we’ve discussed several times throughout the article, FAQ pages that are properly identified and authenticated will take up more web space in Google’s SERP. This will catch the attention of the users and enhance your click-through rates.

We also wanted to show you the various methods for creating FAQs in WordPress so you could choose the one that was most comfortable for you. Just keep in mind that the FAQ schema is really valuable to your site, and always check it with Google’s Rich Results Test.

With that said, we will take a break now. We hope you found this blog informative!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. We would be glad to assist you.

Author’s Bio:
Naveen is the marketing and product head at JoomDev. He loves to convert his ideas into reality by developing products to make your online business success with his WordPress schema plugins and mobile app development services.

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