Is PHP Still Useful For Website Development In 2021?
Last updated on September 21st, 2023 at 08:33 am
The Internet has a similar relationship to the cosmos — whereas one may come to an end, we can’t predict where it’s going. The introduction of millions of new websites on a daily basis demonstrates that the trend isn’t about to halt. You might be wondering how these websites are created.
When choosing a programming language, it can be difficult to make the decision. You may look like a teenager in a gadget store since there are plenty of products on the market.
This is in spite of the fact that programmers have been used to picking a single language or two to stay focused. Even at the beginning level, it’s best to know only one technology.
Why is PHP better than any other language?” ” We’ll tell you.
Advantages of using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
According to many sources, PHP is among the most commonly used programming languages. Counting all websites, almost 88% are developed with PHP.
1. Open-source

First, it’s important to realize that PHP is completely free of charge. When it comes to open-source technology, the most important element is the vast community of developers that use it. On top of that, they use PHP every day, and they add fresh, great modifications and upgrades to the language.
Programmers can apply cutting-edge solutions more quickly by learning more quickly. Another difference is that PHP offers dedicated support, as opposed to several other programming languages. Thus, because of all these influences, PHP will get even better because of all the new frameworks, components, and other tools that appear. There is no mystery that PHP is so widely used.
2. High speed
Both application and loading time are minimized since PHP leverages its own memory. Since the processing speed is so great, it helps both developers and their clients, who profit from faster delivery of the product.
3. Reliable and secured
Some argue that PHP is not trustworthy since it is an open-source project. However, the reality is that every programming language is susceptible, regardless of the context in which it is employed.
Developers must have adequate security skills and employ strict good practices in order to raise the security level. In this case, providing software testing is one method to prevent security vulnerabilities. Speaking of which, each project finished by our team is a crucial milestone.
4. Cost-effective

With open-source PHP, there are no additional software fees. There are no extra license costs or royalties limitations, and you will not be required to pay for anything. Because PHP offers many integration possibilities, the total development cost is greatly reduced.
5. Custom development
While PHP is the greatest solution for building bespoke websites, it doesn’t restrict your creativity by any custom settings. Developers therefore have the ability to build web-based platforms for their clients using PHP that fits their particular specifications. In this case, JavaScript works in tandem with the dev team, resulting in a functioning and attractive website.
Why PHP is still used to develop websites
1. PHP is an ideal option

Before PHP was more widely used, it was referred to as a simple, “light” solution. Deployment and development-to-release cycle are key contributors to it. Even unskilled programmers can complete your project within a short period of time.
One of PHP’s greatest benefits is still with us today. Nevertheless, as PHP version 7.4 offers exponentially greater capability, the quantity and diversity of options have skyrocketed.
Some upgrades contain minor modifications that don’t help the program or its users. Many others, though, can completely reimagine the entire product. New frameworks allowed PHP to accomplish bigger and greater things, much as it did with HTML and CSS.
This selection of libraries includes Laravel, Symfony, Cake, Yii, and CodeIgniter. We are impressed with Yii. This is something we love, and since we find it admirable, we may tell you to choose this framework.
When choosing the right framework, be sure to investigate whether the packages and products associated with it (such as administration panels, CRMs, payment integrations, profilers, socket servers, and queue managers) are included. Because of this special ecology, PHP can do considerably more with little effort.
To be able to meet the quick growth of the Web, new interactive elements, smart design, and deeper functionality must be included in the system. Anyone can use Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, but beyond that, the sky’s the limit: You may build something unique using a library of your choosing and a framework that’s best suited to the project. You can even check and update the latest PHP version in WordPress with ease
It is well worth highlighting that PHP 5’s performance rose by 2 or 3 times when compared to PHP 7. Since most of the objections against PHP have been shown to be invalid over time, such arguments are no longer relevant. It indicates that the PHP development community is approachable and receptive to feedback.
2. PHP improves
As programming languages get more complex, their quality declines. In contrast to other programming languages, PHP’s demand increases rather than decreases. New obstacles call for innovative solutions and year-round upgrades supply these innovations.
To get your PHP-powered backend done nowadays means far more than just adding a database to your front-end work. Because there are so many varied duties such as data collecting, redirection, etc. PHP can be used for much more diversified projects.
It would be accurate to say that PHP has become more efficient and capable while being easy to use and inexpensive. According to our research, PHP is the finest language for commercial applications because of its simple syntax and rapid onboarding.
The simplicity of PHP has both its benefits and drawbacks. Such systems do not foster the advancement of complex systems, for example. But as a general rule, all business projects are similar, and their complexities stem from their marketing aspects, while their usability stems from their programming sides.
Because so many people believe PHP is the greatest commercially utilized programming language in the world, the argument may be made that PHP is the best language all around. These two languages, Javascript and PHP, may be utilized to develop any sort of project, and when combined, they provide little trouble delivering a successful release.
You might say that Python is like English as a language among programming languages. Everyone knows about it, it may be utilised for many different applications.
3. PHP is easier and faster

The magnificence of PHP is endless. Project delivery takes on average around 25% less time when utilising PHP, compared to when another programming language is selected. Fewer hours on your project implies that your project will be released sooner. The market is in continual flux.
Connect with people while staying topical and relevant by building an MVP using PHP, since if you don’t, your rivals will eat your dust. You may minimize the time it takes to get to market when you select PHP as your preferred programming language.
Also, finding programmers who have an understanding of PHP is far easier than finding any other programming language. Having a greater range of alternatives therefore prevents you from being without competent professionals. PHP is, as we explored in the previous section, a straightforward and basic language to learn.
4. PHP is cost-effective
Additionally, PHP developers’ hourly prices are 15% lower than, for example, Python developers‘ or Ruby developers’ hourly rates. Also, hiring developers is simpler because they are easier to locate and cheaper. That’s amazing, isn’t it?
Even though many offer custom web development services, if you have to integrate a third-party CMS, we can accomplish it quickly and easily using PHP. This project may be done entirely in PHP or partially in PHP, depending on how specific your business requirements are.
Several database choices are supported by PHP, from Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 through Oracle and Oracle OC18. It is now easier to manage your data with more database choices. The pace at which they operate allows them to function quickly and fluently across all embedded systems.
5. PHP is scalable
A web application is created with the expectation that it will grow in the future. As the website grows, it must be able to manage increased traffic. You may easily expand your PHP website by adding more servers as needed. More users equate to more servers. Voila!
Scalability is not really a problem, as PHP supports all the important web browsers.
The language in which a project is developed is generally a compromise between the advantages and disadvantages of the options that are available.
In 2021, it will be possible to start building websites in three phases: beginning with minimalistic WordPress sites and landing pages, moving on to building complex web platforms like Facebook and ending with production-grade websites with dozens of dynamic features.
According to developers, flexibility, location, many integration opportunities, and fast speed are just some of the main reasons why PHP is used in web projects.