How Web 3.0 Will Change The Future Of E-commerce

How Web 3.0 Will Change The Future Of E-commerce

Web 3.0 is changing lives, and E-commerce is set to advance with the emerging trend of modern-age technology. Transparency on the internet can be one reason that signifies the development of E-commerce businesses over the last 2 decades. E-commerce is ready to adopt the changes, but the thing is how Web 3.0 is going to…

Web 3.0: The Role of it in Web Design and Development

Web 3.0: The Role of it in Web Design and Development

The internet came by the end of the 80s and early 90s, and since then it has experienced a major transformation. We had Web 1.0 to start with and later moved to 2.0. In recent years, Web 3.0 has been the buzzword. It is built on blockchain technology and has the potential to revolutionize and…

How SEO is Set to Change in Web 3.0

How SEO is Set to Change in Web 3.0

The internet has undergone several alterations since its birth. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the initial websites contained basic, read-only content. Web 2.0, known as the “interactive web,” succeeded Web 1.0. This web focuses on technology like Skype and YouTube. Also, the technology focuses on user-generated content via blogs, “comment” features, and social…