web 3.0

Web 3.0: The Role of it in Web Design and Development

Last updated on November 27th, 2023 at 11:16 am

The internet came by the end of the 80s and early 90s, and since then it has experienced a major transformation. We had Web 1.0 to start with and later moved to 2.0. In recent years, Web 3.0 has been the buzzword. It is built on blockchain technology and has the potential to revolutionize and disrupt how we use the internet. Web 3.0 is also known as the Semantic Web.

In this article, we will talk about everything related to Web 3.0, such as: what it means for web developers, how the game will change now, and more.

Web 1.0 & Web 2.0

Before we talk about Web 3.0, we must understand the previous versions. It will help you better understand the latest version. Web 1.0 was the earliest Internet version and originated from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Its initial version only had web pages with hyperlinks- there were no additional visuals, forms, or controls. It was a kind of read-only web – it was not reciprocated at all.

The transition from the initial version to Web 2.0 happened gradually, so the year cannot be attached to it. Slowly and gradually, the internet became more reciprocating. We moved from read-only to read/write on the internet. In Web 2.0, users can add information, return it to servers, and communicate in actual time.

With time, companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook started exerting a lot of impact on the Web. It led to the major shortcomings in Web 2.0 – centralization. There are problems with centralization – most of the companies that employ a centralized architecture probably would have their data centers. Hence, this can lead to privacy issues as one hacking activity can affect and lead to the loss of millions of users’ data.

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is the next generation of the internet where the data is not stored by any single host like Google or Facebook. The data is decentralized – there are no longer any centrally controlled databases.

How does it work then? Web 3.0 uses a series of nodes that users can run to store and share content over a permissionless and open network. As a result, individuals’ and businesses’ web design could be significantly impacted. Below are some features of Web 3.0:

  • Open: It promotes open-source development by a community of talented developers.
  • Decentralized: As mentioned above, centralization was a problem with Web 2.0. However, Web 3.0 apps are mostly built on a decentralized network that operates through a massive number of peer-to-peer servers.
  • Trustless network: It enables private and public interactions that lack any kind of trust concern from trustworthy third-party sources. What is a trustless network? It is one wherein the users depend on network functioning and also the output. This doesn’t have any rigorous requirements to trust anyone else not concerned or part of the current transaction
  • Permissionless: It allows companies and users to take part in private or public projects without needing any kind of governing body. This facilitates safe and flexible information transfer.

Web 3.0 and the Future of Web Design

In Web 3.0, as discussed above, data becomes decentralized. Hence, it is going to change the way we experience and design the web. With the decentralized network, there won’t be any central companies that will control the content on the internet.

What does it do for a common man? It means that all the content on the web will be owned by everyone – the creators of the content, consumers, and everyone in between the two. The web is now going to be a permissionless network, where you get to control your information and access any content from any device.

The implication of this change is huge for individuals and businesses. The freelance web designer will now have to rethink how he will approach his work. For example, the website can now be less about click-through or page views and more about generating revenue through subscriptions and donations. Web 3.0 has the potential to allow a developer to design more immersive and worthy experiences for customers with technology that is AR/VR-based.

Web 3.0 is also going to change how users interact with websites. For example, to create decentralized networks using blockchain, users will have control over their data instead of the company collecting their information. It means that when you go out and look for a job on the internet, the employer cannot know about your medical history as it won’t be available on any centralized databases for employers.

Today, a business (or website) is successful because it holds user data for millions. With Web 3.0, things are going to change. Hence businesses have to create a new strategy wherein the customers can be kept fully engaged on N channels rather than only on one or two channels. Being present on social media and having a newsletter will not be an option – it will become mandatory for businesses.

What does Web 3.0 mean for developers?

Web 3.0 will necessitate developers to battle to provide the highest quality service and create a safe decentralized network. Also, anyone who has assisted in the development or governance of the project is entitled to financial incentives. However, because the current web structure requires users to pay to make use of the protocol, Web 3.0 would function by distributing straight to network participants and the developers.

Challenges with Web 3.0

There are a few challenges in shifting to Web 3.0. With its permissionless, open, and trustless nature, there will be unsteadiness. Web 3.0 is about decentralization and AI. If everyone starts using Web 3.0, it means that all cars, laptops, sensors, mobile devices, etc will retain and contain their data – it is a problem. The shift to Web 3.0 will lead to an increase in deposited data levels to unparalleled levels. As per experts, the number of data that all the devices may hold will be 175 Zettabytes by 2025.

Ending Note

Web 3.0 came into existence so users can access the internet which is equitable and fair for everyone. It also wants to ensure that users have control over their information, resources, time, and profit. It will shift the internet from an exploitative web which is becoming worrisome for most users.

We are still in an early stage of Web 3.0 but it is surely the future and it is going to change how we do web designs.

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