8 Design Tools to Set Your Branding Apart from Your Competitors

8 Design Tools to Set Your Branding Apart from Your Competitors

Branding is a competitive game. In your industry, all of your competitors are vying for the same eyeballs as you. So the question is how do you stand out among the rest of them? Of course, quality products and service will get you noticed and so will the price. Simply competing on price can be…

How to Optimize your Website to Drive More Sales for your Business?

How to Optimize your Website to Drive More Sales for your Business?

Ask yourself, what is the most important objective of creating a website and sending it live on the Internet, and no matter what reasons you can muster up, the primary one will always be to get more customers. A well-designed website can be the front face of your business in the online world. And that’s…

A Definitive Guide on Cross-sell and UpSell for E-commerce Entrepreneurs

A Definitive Guide on Cross-sell and UpSell for E-commerce Entrepreneurs

E-commerce is helpful but competitive, very competitive. Anyone who has dipped their toes in the E-commerce pool knows that fact. If you’re lucky enough to be able to catch a potential customer’s attention, you need to leverage that opportunity to the greatest extent possible. And this is where upselling and cross-selling come in. But what…

SEO vs PPC: What will You Prefer for Your Business?

SEO vs PPC: What will You Prefer for Your Business?

What is SEO? Search engine optimization is a process by which the visibility of your website or page has been increased by increasing the quality and quantity of your website traffic. Quality traffic means attracting visitors authentically and having really on your site what Google tells them. It’s not like Google shows you are a…

10 Highly Effective APIs Every Web Designer and Developer Should Be Using
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10 Highly Effective APIs Every Web Designer and Developer Should Be Using

If you are currently working as a web designer or web developer or have ever worked on a client’s web design projects then, you might be familiar with the rising demands of clients. They want the best web design layout which not only looks great but also functions like a charm. That’s not all, you…